New Artists at FirstBank in Carbondale

Artwork by Hunter Hogan (left) and Clarissa Fortier (right)

Carbondale Arts partners with FirstBank in Carbondale with a rotating art program, exhibiting 2 new artists every 6 months in the spring and fall.

From now through September 2022 we are featuring mixed media/collage artist Hunter Hogan and painter Clarissa Fortier.

HUNTER HOGAN was a tapestry weaver for 10 years, and returned to painting in 1989. Her work has been in the National Museum of Women in the Arts with the “ Significant Colorado Artists of the 20th Century” show. Hunter has had work in House Beautiful, Santa Barbara, and Colorado Homes and Lifestyles Magazines. Learn more about Hunter and her work at her website,, or find her on Instagram @hunterhoganstudio

CLARISSA FORTIER was born in New York City and is drawn to places that are in direct contrast to her native urban environment. After attending Oberlin College, where she studied studio art and environmental studies, she fell in love with the varied landscapes of southwestern Colorado. She is an avid rock climber, and her adventures in the vertical terrain serve as inspiration for paintings, while also fueling a desire to express the importance of conserving wild lands. Learn more about Clarissa and her work at her website,, or find her on Instagram @thepaintedlandscape

Carbondale Arts