New Artwork at FirstBank
Carbondale Arts partners with FirstBank in Carbondale to showcase new artists twice a year. April through September of 2023, enjoy works by Jennifer Bencomo and Tess the Mess!
Jennifer Bencomo is a Mexican-American artist, born and raised in Colorado. Jennifer’s first exhibition was in 2015 where she displayed her piece “Shattered”, at the student-curated Raw exhibition, held at the Aspen Art Museum. Jennifer then attended the University of Colorado- Colorado Springs and graduated in 2020 with a Bachelors in Visual and Performing
Arts: Studio Art. During her time there she received the University Village Center (UVC) grant, allowing her to design, create, and permanently place her sculpture, “Thrive”, at the UVC in Colorado Springs, CO. Jennifer will keep pursuing art opportunities as her endeavors continue.
Learn more about Jennifer via Instagram @marquez_art
Though they studied engineering and anthropology in college, Tess never finished either degree due to an unexpected layoff in the aerospace industry. However, their expansive background across many fields of life have provided access to a diverse range of mindsets that manifest in their work, from stream of consciousness expressionist abstracts to meticulously drawn engineered landscapes, Tess is constantly exploring. Though they primarily work in oils, they’re branching into the world of found objects and questioning the legitimacy of materials.
Through their art, Tess the Mess seeks to challenge conventional notions of reality and offer new ways of interacting with the world around us. They believe that the reason for the universe is nestled somewhere between stream of consciousness art, quantum physics, and the psychiatry/neurology field, and their work is their highest effort to contribute to finding that reason.
Learn more about Tess the Mess at
Interested in showing your art at FirstBank? Email for more information.