Over Fifty Years of
Building Community Through Art

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We’re here for you


Carbondale Arts celebrated 50 years of creativity and community in 2021, and is a strong part of the history of Carbondale. Carbondale Arts was founded in the early ‘70s by community members who saw the arts as essential to the heart and soul of Carbondale. Through promotion of the arts, artists, education, cultural activities and events, Carbondale Arts has been instrumental in forming Carbondale’s unique identity as an arts and culture hot spot in the Rockies. Carbondale Arts believes in collaboration with state and local governments, schools, artists, business and other non-profits to bring the community together. From The Launchpad offering affordable and accessible space for movement-based artists and musicians to teach, create and rehearse to Rosybelle the Mobile Maker Bus providing subsidized and free arts education throughout the Roaring Fork Valley to promoting the 200+ creatives that make up our Carbondale Creative District, Carbondale Arts exists to serve our community, its needs, and to help stimulate our local economy. Have an idea, project or opinion? We want to hear from you. We couldn’t do what we do without you!



News & Happenings

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We support our local creatives

Carbondale Arts provides opportunity to our local community of creatives in a variety of ways. Our Gallery features over 80 artists a year, while Mountain Fair, the holiday market and Artique gift shop feature over 275 makers.

Additionally, Carbondale Arts facilitates the art on the walls of Bonfire Coffee, a small sculpture garden at The Launchpad, the Carbondale Walls Project and has employed numerous artists for the Rio Grande ARTway, Creative District wayfinding projects and as teachers on the Rosybelle Mobile Maker Bus.

Once a year, artists can apply for grants in career advancement, community projects and the general development and furthering of projects. While only about 5 or 6 lucky creatives receive a grant each year, Carbondale Arts offers free or subsidized critique sessions, talks and workshop weekends open to the community at large focused on building a sustainable life as an artist.


Did you know that Carbondale is a Creative District?

Be a part of our creative crew!

What’s the big deal about Creative Districts? In Colorado, the creative industries bring in $9.9 billion in earnings, provide 219,000 jobs and represent 4.3% of Colorado’s GDP. The Carbondale Creative District is nuturing a vibrant economy and community through Creative District projects like the Rio Grande ARTway including DeRail Park, the Latino Folk Art Garden and the Youth Art Park, as well as the Colorado Creative Corridor, Carbondale Walls, the Creative District Inventory and spearheading affordable housing initiatives.

Interested in learning more or becoming a part of the district? You'll be in great company. The Carbondale Creative District features over 200 creative organizations, artists and artisans of all types from blacksmiths and woodworkers to energy innovation and local food production. Help us showcase what Carbondale has to offer.