Founded half a century ago by our community, for our community


Photo by Renee Ramge

Our Mission

Carbondale Arts builds an inclusive and vibrant community through the arts, supporting Carbondale’s identity as a place that fosters creativity, collaboration, innovation, and artistic exploration. Our dedication to this mission has been transformational to the history of Carbondale.

Carbondale Arts celebrated 50 years of community-building and creativity in 2021. Founded half a century ago by community members who saw the arts as essential to the heart & soul of Carbondale; today Carbondale Arts is made possible by volunteers, the generosity of our sponsors and community partners, collaborations with fellow non-profits, schools, local and state governments, and businesses.

We create community through art gallery exhibitions, creative planning, place-making, and vibrant happenings in the Carbondale Creative District; the annual spirited Mountain Fair, and the alluring Fashion Extravaganza, along with many other offerings.

In 2017 we retrofitted a 1991 International school bus into Rosybelle, the Mobile Maker Space, a fully equipped mobile classroom providing arts education and creative experiences throughout the Roaring Fork Valley.

Please visit us at The Launchpad, where we share space with our gallery, the Artique Gift Shop, Dance Initiative and performing arts studios.


Meet the Staff


Jamie Abbott, Executive Director

Sarah Overbeck, Marketing & Communications Director

Brian Colley, Gallery Manager

Emily Reilly, Programs Manager

Staci Dickerson, Art Sales & Launchpad Liaison

Michael Stout, Community Engagement Director


Building Partnerships

Carbondale Arts believes collaboration with local governments, schools, artists, businesses and other nonprofits are the key to our mission: building community through art. Current collaborations include: the Rio Grande ARTway, a creative placemaking project in collaboration with the Roaring Fork Transportation Authority, The Valley Settlement Project, The Carbondale Rotary Clubs, the Colorado Health Foundation and Live Well Colorado; the transformation of the Carbondale Public Schools in to Creative Learning Labs with the Carbondale Creative District; and our continued collaborations with many local businesses, town government and artists around events like First Fridays, Día de los Muertos, the Fashion Extravaganza, a sustainable fashion show and the Carbondale Mountain Fair. New collaborations around affordable housing and artist displacement are forming now!

Image by Olive and West


Image by Sarah Overbeck

Anti Discrimination Policy

This policy applies to all Carbondale Arts employees, volunteers, members, clients, and contractors: 

Carbondale Arts is committed to creating a professional work environment in which all individuals are treated with respect and dignity, promoting equal employment opportunities and prohibiting unlawful discriminatory practices, including harassment. 

Carbondale Arts does not exclude or discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression, age, height, weight, physical or mental ability, veteran status, military obligations, and marital status. 

This policy also applies to internal promotions, training, opportunities for advancement, terminations, outside vendors, organization members and customers, service clients, use of contractors and consultants, and dealings with the general public.


Carbondale Arts is committed to making all of our programming accessible to people with disabilities. We believe Carbondale Arts should be a welcoming space for all community members, and we are always looking for feedback on how to improve our services.


Learn about membership & sponsorship

Join Our Creative Crew

How do we do what we do? Your support keeps us thriving. Whether you are a participant, a donor, a member or artist, your involvement is what keeps Carbondale Arts ticking! Members are our heart and soul and we show our appreciation year-round. 

Benefits of Carbondale Arts memberships include: Members-only special opportunities throughout the year like free or discounted artist workshops and presentations; Biannual Carbondale Arts calendar of events; Discounts on classes and events like the Fashion Extravaganza; eligibility to participate in the Valley Visual Art Show, Mountain Fair Artist Gallery and Deck the Walls Holiday Market, annual membership party; and Carbondale Creative District Newsletter with artist opportunities.

Stay connected with Carbondale Arts to meet new like-minded creatives and community members.



Become a Member


Individual Membership

$75 per year

Senior Membership

$45 per year

Family Membership

$120 per year



We Love Our

The value of every donation, large or small, leaves a lasting effect on what Carbondale Arts is able to offer the community. With your support, we’ve created art gardens along the Rio Grande Trail, constructed the beautiful archway, art programs in a colorful mobile classroom, engaging high-quality exhibitions at Carbondale Arts Gallery, the loveable summertime tradition of Mountain Fair, and the dynamic Fashion Extravaganza. Through memberships, sponsorships and donations our treasured programs are made possible and accessible to all.


Community Sustainer

[ $5000+ per year ]

Donors giving at this level receive all perks at level below. Contact for more information.

A special thanks to:

Addy Foundation | Alpine Bank | Armour Charitable Fund | Aspen Community Foundation | Aspen Thrift Shop | City of Aspen | Colorado Creative Industries | El Dorado | Jonathan D + Mark C. Lewis Foundation | Karp Neu Hanlon, PC | Kirstie Steiner, Orchard Creek Ranch | KPCO | Michael E. McGoldrick Foundation | Mountain Heart Brewery | SIX Productions | SoL Theatre Company | SNOB Productions | Sopris Liquor & Wine | Town of Carbondale | The Wolfpack Foundation


Grand Curator

[ $2500–$4999 per year ]

Donors giving at this level receive all perks at level below. Contact for more information.

A special thanks to:

777 Investment Corp. | ALEA Group Company | Arches Foundation | FirstBank | Land+Shelter Architecture | Le Mieux-Rodman Giving Fund | Mary Griffith | Melony & Adam Lewis | Peter & Mike Gilbert | Songbird Sound Systems | Sue Edelstein & Bill Spence | Tyler Stableford & Megan Currier | Umbrella Roofing | Z Group Architecture & Interior


Art Lovers

[ $1000–$2499 per year ]

  • Special-edition, Carbondale-Arts-inspired
    Arubymoon prayer flags

  • + all the perks at the levels below

A special thanks to:

2757 Design Co. | Adam Rudd | Basalt Printing & Art Supplies | Bethel Party Rentals | bldg seed architects | Carbondale Family Dental | Colorado Mtn College | Cool Brick Studios | Dalby, Wendland & Co. | Dos Gringos | Greg & Kathy Feinsinger | Jackson & Olivia Emmer | John Stickney & Lee Beck | John & Ruth Ward | Julie Lund | KA Designworks | Kelly & Jan Koorn | Lisbeth Ensminger | Londy Shapiro Family | Michael Brown | Osmia | Patti Stranahan | PC Drew | Pete Bellande | RJ Paddywacks Pet Outfitter | Roger & Joan Gurrentz | Sally Sakin & Duncan Barber | Sam & Chelsea Saxton | Tatiana & Michael Brown | Thendara Foundation | Third Street Center | Vickers Collection


Music Fan

$500–$999 per year

Donors giving at this level receive:

  • 15% off all items at the Artique Gift Shop all year long!

  • Invitations to special art events (tours of artist studios, galleries, private collections, public art around Carbondale, etc.)

  • + all the perks at the level below

A special thanks to:

Alta Otto | Ben Bohmfalk & Megan Perkins | Beverly Patera | Bruce & Jane Warren | Builders First Source | Coldwell Banker Mason Morse | Comfort Inn Carbondale | COVENTURE | David Thickman | Desiree Rothschild | Donald & Marcia Flaks | Duane & Sherry Abbott | Elizabeth & Clay Allen | Emily & George Bohmfalk | EverGreen ZeroWaste | Goode-Fischer Advised Fund at Aspen Community Foundation | Helene Gude | The Home Group Inc. | Inkswell Screen Printers | Irene Friedman | Jason Berv | Lara & Marc Whitley | Laurie Loeb | Luma Medical Aesthetics | MacMeier Foundation | Michael & Barbara Maxson | Moore Dry Dock Foundation & Christie Barnes | Nancy Shapiro | PAJWELL Foundation | Patrick Morrissy & Jean Campbell | Peppinos Pizza | Phat Thai | Phillip Kendzior | Plotsky’s Deli | Pollinator Chocolate | RA Nelson | Ramsey & Colby Fulton | Sunsense Solar | Thunder River Theatre Company


Creativity Connector

$250-$499 per year

Donors giving at this level receive:

  • Special and limited edition “Art Lives Here” hat

  • Early access and discounts for CA events and workshops

A special thanks to:

3B’s Bakery | Align Multimedia | Arcos Mobility | Aspen Dance Connection | Botany House Plant Shop | Brooks Barron | Carlyn Porter | Carol Wells-Federman | Carolyn Howard | Caryatid Structural Engineering | Clarence & Anne Blackwell | Colorado Mountain Leaf | Connie Calaway | The Crow and Key | Crystal Glass Studio | Dave & Jocelyn Durrance | David C. Volz & Joseph A. Zikor Jr. | Ellen Morrison | Georgine Young | Granetta Panini | Heidi Overbeck | Hensley & James Peterson | Jenny Vandeventer | Judith Huston | Julie Comins | Karen & Johnny Klein | Karen Peirson Realty | Kathleen K. Barger | Ken Pierce | Kirk & Susan Patrick | Mark Taylor | Michael Solondz | Nancy B Emerson Real Estate | Olivia Emery & Michael Hassig | Oshin/Mandelbaum Family Fund | Pacific Sheet Metal | Powers Art Center | Robert Rugile | Robert Schultz Consulting | Rootz Hair Co. | TACAW | Veronica Lamaak | White River Books | William Laemmel | Wilderness Workshop

Leave a lasting legacy in our community


Make an impact on future generations

You can create an enduring legacy for future generations by including Carbondale Arts in your estate plan. 

If Carbondale Arts has been an important part of your life — through Mountain Fair, the Creative District, support of your own art, or just plain community vibrancy — please consider a planned gift. 


Create your legacy for free

If you have not yet created a will, we have partnered with FreeWill, a free online service for will-writing and estate planning that helps you create a legal document to create your legacy, and it’s completely free. Through this planning you’ll have the option to plan a gift to Carbondale Arts, or designate us as a beneficiary of a portion of your assets, and you even designate us as a beneficiary of your IRA, insurance policy, or other assets.


If you already have a will, you can easily add a charitable gift to Carbondale Arts with a quick phone call to your attorney. Simply provide a statement of intent to leave a gift to Carbondale Arts- it can even take the form of an email. No documentation of gift amount or type is necessary.

You may also want to explore other options with a financial advisor — no matter the size of your income or estate it’s a worthwhile conversation.


Legacy Donors

Wewer + Steve Keohane, Daniel Benavent, Wendy Flottmeyer, Janet Ellen Gordon, Bailey Haines, Steven Haines, Benjamin Eric Keirn, Kris Peterson, Matthew Suby, Maggie Tarbert, Anonymous (5)


There are so many ways to get involved!


Volunteer in the gallery, office or at super fun Carbondale Arts events!

Have a few hours to spare during the month or simply want to give back to the community you love? We have ongoing volunteer opportunities here at Carbondale Arts and need your help to keep the train rolling. Whether it be an hour or two pouring wine to guests at our openings, helping out in the office with mailings or helping to patch and paint our gallery walls before a new exhibition, we would love your help! If you are interested in working in the office or at events please email for more information. If you are interested in helping in the Gallery email

Project-based Opportunities

Are you a woodworker, sculptor, handyman/woman, blacksmith or have some other skill you would like to share? We regularly have special projects for paid work and volunteering alike through Carbondale Arts or the Carbondale Creative District like creating or fabricating wayfinding signage and plaques, mural painting assistance, public sculpture, park visioning and more! If you have interest in working on a project with us in the future, please contact Michael at


Like to be outside? You can volunteer on the Rio Grande ARTway, at The Launchpad gardens or at Mountain Fair!

Don’t be shy, if you see a weed or two popping out in DeRail Park or the Latino Folk Art Garden. Please pull them out. Both parks depend on the community helping with upkeep to keep them beautiful. It can be a fun family activity or a moment of solitude with headphones on. Either way, if you use the trail and you like the parks, take a moment and help us out. Throughout the spring, summer and fall there are also organized volunteer gardening days on the ARTway.

The Betty Jane Schuss Memorial Gardens at The Launchpad offer our community wonderful edible and medicinal plants— and there are a lot of them! We would be grateful to you for trimming and utilizing these plants as well as helping us keep the beds weed-free!

Finally, over 300 volunteers come together every year to make Mountain Fair one of the most popular and unique fairs in Colorado. Mountain Fair needs help with everything from selling T-shirts and Peace Patrolling the fairgrounds to Green Team and Backstage Security. Listen to great live music, view arts booths, eat delicious food, and mingle with Carbondale’s finest while you’re at it!

Teaching Opportunities

Carbondale Arts is always looking for new teachers and creative ideas for workshops, classes or summer camps. If you are interested in teaching or have a great idea for a class, please let us know! We offer competitive rates for teachers in a fun, unconventional environment. Share your skills with the community!

Rosybelle, the mobile maker bus, is also looking for volunteer assistants/helpers for summer programs and throughout the school year. Assistants will help teachers with prep and facilitation of creative/artistic activities for a variety of different ages spanning from 8-18. If you are interested, please email Michael Stout at

Artist & Maker Opportunities

Calling all artists, creatives and makers! Throughout the year Carbondale Arts shares calls for gallery exhibition proposals, calls for artisans and makers to join the Deck the Walls Holiday Market or the Mountain Fair Locals Gallery, calls for mural or sculpture artists, and so much more. One of the best ways to stay apprised of these opportunities is to sign up for our e-newsletter. Additionally, we compile monthly opportunities for artists consisting of volunteer and/or paid commissions, available grants and exciting classes or workshops. Check it out by clicking on the button below.