Post-Frontier Landscapes: Julia Crocetto
Carbondale Arts presented “Post-Frontier Landscapes” which opened Friday, August 9, from 6-8pm at the R2 Gallery inside The Launchpad, located at 76 S. 4th Street in Carbondale.
“Post-Frontier Landscapes” was a solo exhibition by textile artist Julia Crocetto, whose inquiry is rooted in her experiences of the Greater West, specifically areas that are or have been known as Frontier Lands. This exhibition was a facet of her study of borderzones and anomalies, which developed from the artist’s attempts to connect with place and grapple with her faulty memories of the West.
“Post-Frontier” is Crocetto’s description of the present condition of the American West; on the surface it feels familiar and evokes nostalgia, upon closer inspection it reveals the colonial, drought-afflicted story of the Anthropocene. It is her response to anomalies such as administrative lines on a map, often arbitrary to the topographic, biological, or cultural content of the land they transect. It is the artist’s lament for loss of wilderness and innocence, that there is no place in the American West “untrammeled by man”.
This exhibition opened the same evening as “LOOM“, a 2-person multimedia show with Cate Tallmadge and Andrew Roberts-Gray. Both shows were on display at the R2 Gallery through September 6, 2019.