Upcoming Exhibitions


Check out our 2025 exhibition lineup below to learn more about our upcoming gallery exhibitions at Carbondale Arts.

Our Gallery’s Mission: The Carbondale Arts Gallery is an exhibition space dedicated to amplifying and nurturing diverse artistic voices that engage and stimulate our community.

Interested in proposing a solo or group exhibition in 2026? Forms are now live and due May 1, 2025. Email brian@carbondalearts.com with questions.

April 11 - May 15, 2025 (Sponsored by Crow & Key)

Mya Cluff, Courtney Dudley, Darla Jackson, Shawna Miller (curator), Erin Morrison, and Maria Teicher “Subject/Matr/Mother”
Matr is the Latin root for material, matter, and maternal. The six female artists in this show create work that centers the complexity of the maternal experience. The curation aims to celebrate the link between “woman” and “mother,” while interrogating the way we associate them as one-and-the-same, or a preordained linear destiny.

May 23 - June 26, 2025 (Sponsored by Basalt Printing & Art Supply)

“The Carbondale Youth Arts Showcase”
The Carbondale Youth Arts Showcase will feature two programs: the Carbondale Arts Creative Apprentice Program which employs teens to work with local creative professionals to develop works of community value while gaining exposure to and experience in contemporary creative professions, and the Stepping Stones Artist Residency Program which offers culturally-responsive, bilingual arts programming to underserved youth.

July 11 - August 14, 2025 (Seeking Sponsor)

Vallee Noone “The Muses Don’t Tell Me $#!T”
When I'm drawing, I feel as though I am watching the pieces form and have very little say in the vision. It feels like someone else is pushing my hand. In fact, if I try to pursue a particular vision, the drawing falls apart quickly. It's when I surrender that the most amazing details, threads and coincidences become apparent. You could ask the muses they'd tell you there is a deeper meaning, but anyone's guess is as good as mine; I am just the machinery.

Chad Knowles “Oddly Familiar”
Come witness artist Chad Knowles’ surrealistic and whimsical approach to natural and fantastic landscapes. He encourages you to “see life through a new lens, one that could be called psychedelic or transcendental; but, it’s always a light-hearted dream – one that brings a smile to your heart.”

August 22 - September 25, 2025 (Sponsored by 3B's Bakery)

Agustina Mistretta “That Which Remains”
“That Which Remains” is a poetic interpretation of the language of the mountains. The exhibition captures the transitional periods and the apparent changes in the landscape from the perspective of combining personal history, family and found archival material, and a personal obsession with my surrounding topography. Mountains have been a steady guiding force in my life path. They are a strong energy that has remained for millennia.

Benjamin Eric “Empyreal Odyssey: Mythos (Part One)”
Mixed media artist Benjamin Eric explores the intersection of mythology and cosmology, drawing inspiration from ancient cultural stories and symbols regarding celestial phenomena and the human desire to connect to the divine. Recognizable imagery created through a combination of recycled wood, artifacts and various mediums are meant to be a new narrative as imagined by the artist.

October 3 - November 7, 2025 (Sponsored by Basalt Printing & Art Supply)

Laura Dortmans “Intimate. Immensity.”
Laura Dortmans’ ceramic sculptures perform as a surrogate for the physicality of her body – not as direct representation, rather as a response to bodily sensations. The solidification of gestural movement translates a moment of intimate touch and gives form to the immensity of internal geography; desire, tender love, sensual connection, preserved in space and time.

Courtney Kenny “Recording Time (with Scraps and Words)” Mixed media artist Courtney Kenny uses poetry as a form of sketching to record observations, emotions, frustrations, and revelations. Life is so finite and yet so mysterious; through Courtney’s art and poetry she attempts to document these visceral moments of awe, inviting viewers to explore the depths of the human psyche through the interplay of observation, metaphor, and artistic expression.

Michael Kinsley “Fluid Landscapes”
Michael Kinsley’s newer landscape paintings are notable for their intriguing amplification of Nature’s sensual forms. These “fluid” landscapes in oil depict familiar scenes in SE Utah and Western Colorado, especially the Roaring Fork Valley. Though he often paints outside, his larger studio pieces are based on his outside sketches. Michael says, “In an increasingly troubling world, my paintings are solace to me and hopefully to the viewer.”

November 20 - December 24, 2025 (Seeking Sponsor)

Deck the Walls featuring 45+ local creatives
Every holiday season, Carbondale Arts transforms its gallery space into a shop filled with artisan goods created by local and regional artists from all over the Roaring Fork Valley and the state of Colorado. Goods typically include handmade candles and cards, jewelry and chocolates, ceramics and soaps and more! Applications are typically available in August, due late September or early October. Email brian@carbondalearts.com with questions.


46th Annual Valley Visual Art Show


Deck the Walls