"Xerocks & Potholes" by Lindsay Jones


from the “Potholes” Series by Lindsay Jones
(mixed media on paper)

My art thrives on experiences spent in the outdoors; exploring new places, and taking the time to slowly absorb my natural surroundings.
— Lindsay Jones

Carbondale Arts presented “Xerocks & Potholes” a solo exhibition by Carbondale-based artist Lindsay Jones at the Carbondale Arts Gallery on display May 24 through June 26, 2024. The opening reception took place on First Friday, June 7, from 5-7pm at The Launchpad, with an artist talk at 5:30pm.

Analog Naturea 2-person show featuring works by artists Rob Borchardt and Robert G. Burch ran concurrently (May 24 - June 26) in the second gallery space.

"Xerocks & Potholes" was a solo exhibition by Lindsay Jones that focused on themes of nature, and its cycles of change. The title was a playful allusion to the subject matter in her work, and the processes she uses to create her mixed media drawings, paintings and animations.

Lindsay’s work frequently unites the cynical with the phenomenal, transforming those ideas into playfully charming images, with an ominous undertone. 

Thank you, Sponsor!
Both exhibitions “Xerock & Potholes” by Lindsay Jones and “Analog Nature” by Rob Borchardt and Robert G. Burch were generously sponsored by Wilderness Workshop.

Wilderness Workshop is a nonprofit organization protecting the wilderness, water, and wildlife of Western Colorado’s public lands. They have worked across more than 4 million acres of public lands to ensure their ecological integrity. They have led efforts to designate more than half a million acres of Wilderness and hundreds of thousands of roadless areas in western Colorado.

Learn more at WildernessWorkshop.org.

Lindsay Jones, mixed media artist, Carbondale, CO

Lindsay is a Carbondale based artist, originally from the metro area of Kansas City, MO. Her whimsical drawings and paintings float between artworks that you can hold in your hand, to images and animations that only exist in the digital world. She has a hunter/gatherer approach to her creative process, often collaging together ideas and making work out of discarded, or salvaged materials. 

Learn more about Lindsay at lindsayannajones.com, or on Instagram @lindsayannajones


"Porcelain Memories" by Dara Hartman


"Analog Nature" by Rob Borchardt & Robert G. Burch