Men's Woodsplitting
Not to be missed! Sign ups available online beginning the Monday before the Fair, and open in the park on Friday, at 12pm. Woodsplitting is held in the Open Space. Costumes are encouraged! All entrants must wear safety shoes. Steel-toed protectors are available at the competition. *Pre-registration is now closed. Sign up in person at the Info Booth.
SUNDAY 4:00pm

Singer Songwriter Round 2
5 Finalists will perform at The Oasis Tent on Sunday 7/28 at 12:30pm. Each finalist will play 2 originals. Winner receives a gift certificate from Glenwood Music, recording time at Cool Brick Studios, and KDNK “ Express Yourself “ radio time.
SUNDAY 12:30pm

Doubles Horseshoes Competition
Located in Glassier Park, two blocks south of Sopris Park on Weant Boulevard.
Register at the Info Booth.
SUNDAY 12:00pm

Cake Baking Contest
Bring entries to the judging tent between 10:15 and 10:45AM. This year's theme is “Pajama Party.” Categories include cake, exotic, and cupcake (please bring 12 for cupcakes). Please bring entries on a disposable platter or something that does not need to be returned.
SUNDAY 11:00am

Porcupine Loop Bike Ride
In its 20th year, this race is casual and sure to be a good time. Aloha Mountain Cyclery and Stomparillaz Creative Cycling Collective keep the fun factor high by requiring costumes and creating obstacles.
Registration available from 7-7:45am at the Bike Parking area on Weant Blvd. (no pre-registration).
SUNDAY 7:45am

3rd Annual Pottery Throwdown
Join the Carbondale Clay Center for the Third Annual Pottery Throwdown Relay. Eight teams of four will compete in pottery challenges, two at a time, for the fastest overall time. Sign up HERE.

Women's Woodsplitting
Not to be missed! Sign ups available online beginning the Monday before the Fair, and open in the park on Friday, at 12pm. Woodsplitting is held in the Open Space. Costumes are encouraged! All entrants must wear safety shoes. Steel-toed protectors are available at the competition. Sign up HERE.

How low can you go? The height to beat is 1’4”! Join Dr. Limbo, Eric Baumheier and live drummers for some friendly competition. Must be 18 years or older. Located in the Open Space.

Singles Horseshoes
Located in Glassier Park, two blocks south of Sopris Park on Weant Boulevard.
Register at the Info Booth.
SATURDAY 12:00pm

Pie Baking Contest
Bring entries to the Judging Canopy, located next to the pavilion between 10:30-10:45am. This year's theme is “Garden Party,” and categories include fruit, cream, and exotic.
SATURDAY 11:00am

Mtn Fair 4-Miler
Independence Run & Hike hosts a four-mile downhill fun run from Prince Creek Road, down the Crystal River Bike Path, and back to the finish line in Sopris Park. Meet at Sopris Park at 8:15am to catch a shuttle to the start line. $40 per participant- kids 12 and under are free. Dress to win the costume contest with the theme of “This Must Be The Place.”
Sign up in person at the store, or call (970) 704-0909.

Singer Songwriter Round 1
Calling all local singer songwriters (18+). Limited to 20 participants.
ROUND 1: 20 registered performers at will play at The Launchpad at 6pm. Each contestant can play 2 originals. Full details in application, available HERE.